Friday, October 24, 2008

Yes We Can Have the Audacity to Hope that Our Faithful Fathers Put Country First! (or something like that)

No matter how politically conscious I think I am, I am always brought down a peg or two when I step up to the election booth. I start out strong. President/VP, check. U.S. Senator, check. U.S. Congressman (or woman), check. State Representative, check. Then I discover that there are not less than 10 local/state elections that I knew nothing about. Never heard of the offices; never heard of the candidates; don’t know what they are supposed to do in office.

I am trying to do better this year, but learning about all the myriad political offices up for grabs in my state is a daunting task. Fortunately, the Dallas Morning News website makes it easier. I found this lovely page that allows you to enter your address and it shows you all the races for your voting district. It even allows you to compare the positions of the candidates running in each race. Some of the information is incomplete but it is a wonderful place to start your research if you are so inclined.

Tip: Get started soon. If memory serves me correctly, there will be 27 races on the ballot November 4th.

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