Friday, October 24, 2008

Update: TX Conference for Women - Houston, TX

My experience with this year's Texas Conference for Women was comme ci comme ca. There were some good seminars (A Brand New, Brand You; Networking - Making Relationships Click). There were some bad seminars (Kicking Your Career Into Gear: An Action Plan for Creating a Worklife that Thrills).

I appreciated that continental breakfast and lunch were included with registration, but was disappointed that there wasn't a vegetarian alternative for lunch. Lunch was a grilled chicken salad with bacon (insensitive on multiple levels).

I liked most of the keynote speakers but didn't like the parade of hosts, sponsors, and city dignitaries I had to suffer through before being able to hear the keynote speakers.

That's what I mean by comme ci comme ca. There was good and bad all day long. Still, if the conference ever comes to my hometown, and all I have to do is wake up and drive to the convention center, then I will be there.

1 comment:

CraigJC said...

Big up to Dallas! My relatives and all!
I love this blog.