Thursday, October 9, 2008

Urban Street Bazaar 10/11/08

I don’t know about you, but I have reached my saturation point where dismal national news is concerned. If life is ending as we know it, then we need to start enjoying the little things like the upcoming Urban Street Bazaar in the Bishop Arts District.

I kind of hate the website because I think it is waaaay too busy, but that’s not the point. The point is that this Saturday from 10am – 8pm, you can escape the troubles of this world (political, financial, and otherwise) and stroll the streets of the Bishop Arts district as you talk and laugh with 40 vendors hawking their handcrafted wares.

The beautiful thing about a flea market (let’s call a spade a spade) is that it hearkens back to a different time when there were no behemoth discount stores stocking mass-produced versions of everything we could think of (I’m looking at you Wal-Mart and in fairness, I have to look at Target as well). Instead, you walked to the market; you shook the artisan’s hand; and you walked away with a one-of-a-kind product. It reminds us that relationships are what really matter in life - not the things we buy, the titles we hold, or the size of our 401Ks. Speaking of newly deflated bank accounts, another great thing about flea markets is that sometimes you can find unique, inexpensive gifts, and considering that I’ve already decided to have a “poor” Christmas this year (no gifts over $25), the Urban Street Bazaar is right up my alley.

Update: The Urban Street Bazaar was great fun. There was jewelry, clothing, personal care products, accessories for your favorite pet, and more. I learned that the Bazaar will happen again in December. Be on the lookout for it. Also, I wandered into a boutique called Indigo 1745 while in the neighborhood. If you're ever in the market for "upscale" denim, they've got some great styles. Ask for Denise; she was friendly and very knowledgable about the inventory and which cuts work best for different body types. You can tell her that I sent you, but she'd probably look at you with a blank stare as the Lady of Leisure remains a woman of mystery to most. Cheers!

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