Monday, August 25, 2008

The Sartorialist

Anyone who knows me well knows that I take myself waaaaaaaaaay too seriously. I am the most anxious and uptight person that I know. Consequently, when I stumble across something that reminds me to relax and have fun on the rollercoaster we call life, I pay attention.

Enter the Sartorialist.
I think I’m about three years late on this one, but better late than never. Here’s the long and the short of it: some guy who used to work at a fancy department store decided to start a blog on which he would showcase pictures of everyday people that he thought had a great sense of personal style (or something like that). His blog is filled with pictures of “stylish” people in their natural habitats of NYC and Western Europe.

I would never wear the majority of the outfits featured, but in a very simple way, looking at the pictures makes me happy. The “models” wearing their “interesting” outfits remind me that life doesn’t have to be so serious – that it’s okay to experiment….and to fail…and that I really should incorporate more color into my wardrobe.

For those of you who may be wondering…

Sartorialist (n.) – one who is concerned with the trade of tailoring or manner of dress

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