Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cheap Date Alert #9: FREE Theatre Tickets

If you have spent any time on this blog, then you know that Cheap Dates are one of my favorite things. I like to think of my “cheap date alerts” as my little way of encouraging men to practice the art of wooing women. The art of romance need not require a lot of money. It just takes a little research, a little creativity, and frequent visits to this blog if you live in Dallas.

This year Dallas is participating in Free Night of Theatre 2008. In 2005 Free Night of Theatre started its national campaign to attract new audiences to live theatre and to make theatre accessible to all by offering free tickets to the public. Over 600 theatres are participating throughout the country. Today in Dallas, more than 3000 (absolutely FREE) tickets were made available for reservation at 26 participating theatres throughout the metroplex. Tickets are available for shows October 16 – November 10, 2008. For a complete listing of participating theatres and show times please visit:

I have failed you, my dear readers. Though I learned of Dallas' Free Night of Theatre days ago, I did not alert you until just now. I thought nothing of this delay as tickets were not made available until 12noon, October 1st (today); however, I just checked the website to reserve my own tickets only to discover that ALL of the shows in Dallas were already "sold out." Apparently, good news travels fast.

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