Thursday, May 24, 2007


This is a new medium for me and I'm feeling kind of weird about it. Though it was practically effortless to create, I wonder if anyone will visit and/or if anyone will be interested in what I have to say (or think it's worthwhile). But hey, what's the worst that could happen? Nobody visits and nobody thinks it's interesting. Won't be the first time.

Enough of all this wishy-washy, "do I?" or "don't I?" talk. Here's the deal. I'm an African American Dallas native. I moved away for college in 1995 and just returned in 2006. Now as a full-fledged, single adult woman, I am rediscovering the city of my youth, and desperately searching for new and interesting things to do besides go to the same "grown and sexy" (God, I really hate that expression) clubs and bars; and I am willing to bet money that I'm not alone in my search hence the creation of this blog.

Every week I hope to be able to post my thoughts, ideas, and experiences of Dallas's arts, culture, and nightlife scenes in hopes of 1) helping you to discover some of the city's best kept secrets, and 2) inspiring you to think outside of your "social scene box."

I can't wait to get started! It should be tons of fun.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad somebody has the time to do it. I look forwad to your findings.